
Our Story

Templar Titan, Inc


Templar Titan is a “one stop” global risk management firm, formed in the hours immediately following the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks on our nation. Although formed initially to address the Global War on Terror and Homeland Security concerns, we have evolved into a dynamically diverse, “one stop”, security and solutions firm. Templar Titan responded to 9-11, supplying a host of services to our nation’s great city of New York by working with the cleanup crews, performing bone sifting operations, and supplying the forensic anthropologists through a partnering agreement with Syracuse University.

Templar Titan, Inc. provides CONSULTING, TRAINING, PRODUCTS and OPERATIONS SUPPORT to global transnational companies, governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, and select private individuals. Our founder is a former U.S. Navy SEAL, as are the majority of our core management team.  Other core members include veterans of advanced law enforcement and select subject-matter experts (SME).

Our firm maintains a very strong global network, providing the end user with custom tailored solutions which are consistent with each client’s corporate footprint, progressive, and configured to match emergent threats, social trends, and irregular “acts of the unknown”. To ensure our client’s business continuity, and the safeguarding of their personnel and assets in consideration, we assemble a unique team of subject matter experts (SME) to address any and all security concerns, both physically, and with “smart” technology solutions when appropriate. We have worked diligently to identify and counter emergent threats, trends, and client needs globally since our inception.

Templar Titan crafts risk mitigation plans which are specifically tailored to serve our clients’ most specific needs, safeguarding lives, and protecting assets, including business continuity considerations and challenges, in an ever-changing, threat-riddled global landscape. We work with clients to establish robust security and safety-conscious environments which are easy to integrate, scalable, and budget driven.

Templar Titan has worked in Federal Disaster and Emergency Response locations and situations for nearly two decades. We have supported the American Red Cross, FEMA, United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and associated organizations in the ever-evolving efforts to systemize and coordinate emergency response elements at the local, state, and federal levels. These actions have also included response elements from the private sector, and the ongoing requirement to meet all command and control challenges, to resolve all Right of Way (ROW) entanglements, to coordinate debris management, and to meet all civil, and cultural considerations, governance, and reporting requirements. This has included the use of the most advanced videographic technologies currently available.

In addition to the services provided in response to the 9-11 terrorist attacks, as summarized briefly above, our past performance in this role have also included, but are not limited to responses to Hurricanes Katrina (Aug 2005), Rita (Sep 2005), Gustav (Aug 2008), Ike (Sep 2008), and Sandy (Oct/Nov 2012) In most cases Templar Titan personnel were among the very first “boots on the ground” supporting those in the affected areas, making damage assessments, performing specific client-driven assessments, providing security force augmentation, securing assets and providing associated services, working with local, state, and follow-on governmental assets in every way to support human life, to foster order, and to positively influence recovery.

Templar Titan crafted a multi-contractor access control and tracking plan, along with border security services for Granite Construction during that firm’s “border fence” installation work associated with the Strategic Border Initiative (SBI) in Arizona, New Mexico & Texas. As a result, in 2008 Templar Titan was recognized as their subcontractor of the year for the aforementioned border services.

Other notable “natural disaster” actions by Templar Titan include responses to ice storms in Oklahoma and the Cherokee Nation, California Wildfires in 2007, the British Petroleum (BP) Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in 2010, and a host of smaller events. Templar Titan has worked nationwide with the American Red Cross, providing that humanitarian organization with the highest quality of professional services while working at reduced rates in support of a myriad of response and support needs. As a corporation we will continue to provide the American Red Cross with high quality services at reduced rates, as needed, in order to preserve human life and bring aid and comfort to the afflicted.

Templar Titan is a premier United States cross-border-operations corporation which has worked predominantly in Central and South America with governments,  corporations, and private individuals for almost two decades.  We have engineered static and mobile security plans for dozens of Fortune 500 companies working in those aforementioned regions, to include cross-border operations to multiple venues, cyclically locations, or one-off destinations, traversing the U.S./Mexican border, satisfying all formal/official requirements for both nations systematically, while successfully safeguarding our clients with zero losses to date.

Templar Titan has worked with a several companies matching their day-to-day operations with comprehensive security plans which insulate, safeguard, while establishing action plans to protect their assets and facilities from risks, threats and extreme circumstances. On more than one occasion our tactics and techniques not only ultimately achieved our clients most immediate needs, but further de-escalated prevailing issues with local government, potential cartel associations, and the local populace. Templar Titan was presented with an award in recognition for one such an achievement by the Sony Corporation in 2005.

As mentioned briefly earlier, in the category of cross border operations, Templar Titan successfully engineered the security plan for the border fence work undertaken by Granite Construction for three of the four U.S. border states with Mexic, encompassing multi-cultural contractors and subcontractors, widely distributed assets, and continually relocated staging points. In 2008, Templar Titan was presented with an award in recognition of having maintained zero losses and 100% accountability of all assets and personnel over the duration of their participation in the program.

To date Templar Titan has submitted a variety of progressive plans and recommendations for securing the nation’s border to Washington D.C. These plans have included a step-wise process for establishing a de-facto American Foreign Legion in a delineated Central, or South American country, coupled with the awarding of “Most Favored Nation” trade status, an X Force for the border, and specific technologies which would clearly and assuredly solve our illegal immigration problems in the U.S.

In the maritime asset arena, Templar Titan has worked with multiple “major oil firms” in conducting risk assessments, carrying out penetration testing, creating contingency plans, and identifying all of the associated personnel, materials, and capabilities needed to properly support those contingency plans.

In its response to Hurricane Katrina, Templar Titan secured all the assets, assessed and reported damages, and collected specific intellectual properties (hard drives). This was accomplished by securing access to specified locations, crafting multi-level, multi-building safeguards, and creating comprehensive security plans despite being limited to utilizing only available resources.

During this same response Templar Titan was tasked with locating and/or accounting for over 2,000 of a client’s personnel who were listed as missing/unaccounted for following the impact of the hurricane. That effort entailed acquisition of available assets (boats, trucks, cars and access plans) and the deployment of those assets across a variety of compromised areas, to locate, to identify status, to acquire proof of life (or lack thereof), and to continuously report detailed findings to the clients during ongoing operations. All pertinent disaster information and business intelligence was collected from the ground, then formatted in a detailed report form, and submitted to the client’s executives and upper management.

Following an incident which involved the hijacking of an oil tanker in the Straits of Hormuz, Templar Titan was contracted to create a recovery plan for the vessel and its cargo.

Other services in the maritime arena for major oil and gas companies have included, but are not limited to, services related specifically to offshore oil platforms, including contingency planning, crisis management tabletops exercises, assessment, revision, and testing of emergency response protocols, risk assessments, penetration testing, vessel recovery, establishment of vessel defense management teams, and more.

Templar Titan has conducted numerous Executive Protection, Protective Services Details, Courier Services, maritime vessel (boat and yacht) security details, and similar or related operations for clients globally.

Templar Titan is a small business with superior capabilities, and a rich history of successful performance, producing extraordinary results. At Templar Titan we strive to create lasting relationships with our clients – relationships which are founded upon mutual respect, integrity, and highly professional services that are specifically and carefully customized to meet or exceed each client’s expectations.

As an organization, we at Templar Titan are dedicated to better preparing our clients to not only meet, but to successfully surmount extraordinary and unexpected events and situations. We are dedicated to responding to these events by bringing tireless support, leadership, and skilled professionals to meet our clients’ needs, to foster life, and to maintain our commitment to comprehensive service.

Templar Titan is an organization composed of extraordinary people from many diverse professions. While we are engaging in a very specialized business, in a very highly competitive market, we endeavor never to forget that we are fundamentally an organization of humans, not machines, and that we are interacting with other humans. At the end of the day we strive always to remember that as humans we ultimately have a singular obligation to our fellow man – to do our best to provide answers where there are only questions, to bring light where there is only darkness, and to provide hope to those who have none.

If a potential client contacts us and subsequently decides that Templar Titan’s specific capabilities are not the best solution to meet their particular needs, then we will do our best to recommend alternative sources which might be more appropriately configured to address those particular needs.