Pictured are two very very instrumental men in the man I am now. Only 1 in this picture do I have any questions about where & how things would go in the arena…No disrespect intended to a fast nearing sixty (60) years of beautiful, banged up frogman age that I have now known thirty (30) plus years = Dr. Lew.
When you reflect upon your life and you use the old addage about “if the end of the world where here, and to survive you could only pick (10) people, who would you choose?” but instead you change that up to with whom embedded into your path and will forever live within your heart
Both these sage paladins of powerfully righteous walk…make that cut in my life.
When you say unto the Lord, of whom imparted great wisdom, was committed to you, brought a tool & skill set to the task of revered magnitude, showed extreme patience, was committed, always consistent, accountable, and was the model of a man of whom you aspire and to be remembered = both these two (2) make that cut in my heart and top ten (10).
Additionally – PAAAI Daddy was this to me:
When the walls of your physical life are forged & complete, what will it say on it? Of whom will God see was in your path that lent a hand to help you through the many tough spots of the crossroads of critical decision-making & life. The person who is there always whether you win, or lose whether you’re the man, or the goat just to show you love, understanding & compassion.
To share business & new venture starts, ideas and dreams, to enjoy in that 1st milestone & every after, to advise throughout each pathway.
To share with the path of departing from an iniquitous life and becoming a husband in my late thirties to my dearest soulmate and love of my life (who too had a personal relationship w/ Paaai), then to share your fruits (children) and then those magical, beautiful experiences with them. The ST community lost a legend, I feel like I lost a father BUT rejoice in the memories & simple fact that we were able to share and be a part of this truly remarkable man’s own journey and for that I am deeply appreciative. In my family and extended noble team of do gooder’s desirous of open warfare with the congregation of evil have a new addage “Did you consult with our PAAAI in the sky?” Our living moral compass deeply etched in ALL of our heart’s & memories collectively, differently but ALL woven with LOVE.
In closing;
PSALM 27 10:12
10 When my father and my mother forsake me,
Then the Lord will take care of me. *** In my life HE sent PAAAI in at
eighteen (18) years to roll thirty (30) with me up until last Friday June 1,2018
11 Teach me Your way, O Lord,
And lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies.
12 Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries;
For false witnesses have risen against me,
And such as breathe out violence.